Ooh! Let’s Talk Deal Breakers!

Ooh! Let’s Talk Deal Breakers!

Do you have too many deal breakers in dating…or not enough? Are you embracing the very same qualities and values in yourself that you are looking for in a man? This week, Lisa talks about why opening up your heart and giving a different type of man a chance can be one of the best choices you make in your life. She talks about why you may need to shift your idea of what deal breakers are when looking for potential partners and getting to know someone!

What You’ll Hear In This Episode:

  • You have to have your idea of what you want, and then hold it very lightly
  • How was Benjamin different from Lisa’s list of qualities she looked for in a man, and why did that end up being such a pleasant surprise? 
  • You have to be willing to check in with yourself and allow room for things to appear differently than you expect them to!
  • Lisa’s clients share a few of their deal breakers, from family relationships to alcohol abuse to a lack of warmth and affection. 
  • Are you the type of woman that the man you are looking for will be deeply attracted to? Do you hold yourself to the same standards?
  • Great questions to get to know someone better as you date online. 
  • You can find good men anywhere on a dating site, but you’ve got to be working on yourself. 
  • What are your true deal-breakers – Your “Final 5” qualities you must have in a partner?

Continue On Your Journey

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Email the podcast at: DWDpod@lisashield.com


Benjamin Shield 



  • “Benjamin doesn’t have to sit around and talk about being spiritual. He just is.” 
  • “You have to have your idea of what you want, and then hold it very lightly.” 
  • “I would be very careful that you don’t have fixed ideas that are so fixed in your mind that you don’t sit down across from a wonderful man who really isn’t somebody you can put in a box, and miss what’s really in front of you.”

“You’ve got to be working on yourself. You have to be doing the work on


, so that you can become a more attractive partner.”