How To Stay Positive! Even When You’re Dating the Wrong Guys.

How To Stay Positive! Even When You’re Dating the Wrong Guys.

This week, it’s all about cats. Well, kind of. Lisa reads a zen story about an artist finding their inspiration and beauty in a drawing of a cat. Who knew there was symbolism between the story and finding the Guardian of Your Soul?! Lisa talks about her journey in realizing why men were not attracted to her and how she leveled up, becoming the woman that would truly be the perfect match. Listen to this episode, and you will be light years closer to finding your beautiful cat drawing.

What You’ll Hear In This Episode:

  • Why is it important to have a positive inner dialogue? 
  • Are your intentions set to make a TRUE romantic connection with a phenomenal man? 
  • To text or not to text? That is the question. 
  • How do you put in the time and face your fears after what seems like so much rejection? 
  • Why should we think about dating as a skill that takes patience and practice, and not just expect to be naturally perfect at it. 
  • What should you look for besides just amazing chemistry with a man on a date? 
  • Are you so focused on the end game that you are missing all the opportunities in front of you in the present moment? 

Continue On Your Journey

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Zen Story 


  • “You will find that you are less anxious if you walk through your fears. If you keep going forward, you’ll find yourself showing up on dates and somehow you’ll just feel more confident.” 
  • “You shouldn’t have to play games to get a man to chase you. You should be your fabulous self and the right man is going to chase you.”  
  • “You’re preparing yourself for that moment when the Guardian of Your Soul sits down, when the two of you are across from each other, and you have that beautiful moment where your souls connect, and you know that this is the one.” 
  • “So many of us are focused on the goal and the end game of meeting our guy that we are not really seeing the opportunities in front of us.”